Heather Hancock - Let’s take a fresh look at the challenges facing the countryside
Countryside Alliance Countryside Alliance

Heather Hancock - Let’s take a fresh look at the challenges facing the countryside

I’m delighted to be part of an event that’s taking a fresh look at the challenge and our responsibilities, that’s getting us talking about the route map that will deliver us to a healthy, prosperous, valued countryside and a promising future for the people who live and work there. More than anything, and because I know there is no shortage of vision, I’m going to be listening for the who and the how.

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Sarah Mukherjee - Policy making must break down the barriers between rural and urban communities
Countryside Alliance Countryside Alliance

Sarah Mukherjee - Policy making must break down the barriers between rural and urban communities

I all too vividly remember my first real trip to the countryside, with posh middle-class people from university. They all seemed to undergo a complete personality change on the way there. The wan-faced lot smoking roll ups and drinking black coffee from unwashed cups became rosy cheeked Scout leaders, dressed in boots and sturdy walking gear that I did not possess or even recognise.

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Access to green space must be priority for land use in England, peers say
Countryside Alliance Countryside Alliance

Access to green space must be priority for land use in England, peers say

Peers from the cross-party House of Lords land use in England commission have laid out their priorities for a land use framework, which would divide up the land in England and decide where is best for different types of agriculture, as well as carbon sequestration, nature restoration and recreation.

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Action on levelling up and boosting rural productivity set out in report
Andrew Slinn Andrew Slinn

Action on levelling up and boosting rural productivity set out in report

Rural businesses such as farms, wedding venues and pubs will benefit from up to £110 million of funding being allocated today to support countryside communities across England. The funding will be invested in projects which will boost productivity and create rural job opportunities. These could include farm businesses looking to diversify by opening a farm shop, wedding venue or tourism facilities or improvements to village halls, pubs and other rural hubs for community uses.

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